In Perfect World, players may undertake a few types of missions : Cultivation Mission * It is essential for players to continuously cultivate their skills in order to improve their own skills and avoid death. Players can ascend their skills into the celestial world, demon world or even divine world. As such, the cultivation mission will allow a player to break though their own limitations and achieve a completely new skill level. A player who does not complete these missions is unable to learn new skills. Dragon Quest Mission * Dragon Quest mission is an ongoing epic mission, the mission continues throughout the players career culminating in an Epic finale. Every 10 levels are considered a single stage, altogether there are 8 stages. It is designed for players going from level 20 to 100. Recurrence Mission * The Rancor Force is a constant threat to all who reside in the Perfect World. It continues to invade through the Rancor Force Portal. Players may combat this threat by accepting the readily available missions from NPCs. Each Recurrence Mission undertaken by the players provides corresponding rewards. Hero Mission * It is a dire time, and heroes are needed in great measure. The best proof of these heroes ascendant is when the BOSS Monsters are felled. No matter where in the world you face them, whether in AntiEther Class, WraithMater Of Ennead Child , or the ancient great dragon, always call upon your trusted friends/allies to challenge the BOSS Monsters, for the BOSS Monsters have unimaginable power. Adventure Mission * An Adventure Mission takes the players on an exploration of the crisis-ridden dungeon/underground palace and MystRealm where great dangers as well as great rewards await. Because these dungeons are instanced, it becomes the domain of the adventurer and his or her party. Thus players are free to pit their skill, courage, wisdom and loyalty against those of the monsters within. Counter Array Mission * The monsters in Perfect World Free Edition will not simply sit around all day at their stations. Different monsters have different skills and strategies, and may even set traps. If a player should rashly intrude upon a monsters domain, it is possible to suffer great hardship at the hands of these monsters. However even the most powerful monster Arrays have their weak points, and shrewd players will be able to defeat them. Therefore, counter array missions will keep players interested with unique challenges and brand-new experiences. Legendary Mission * The Legendary Mission is more arduous and challenging when compared to the Hero Mission, usually it occurs as a result of a series of large-scale missions, and the mission end similarly sets you against a fierce BOSS. Certainly players who reach the end of a legend mission will all obtain their own independent reward. Unexpected Mission * In Perfect World Free Edition, the unexpected can always occur, whether a player is in battle, harvesting or exploring outside, they will frequently encounter startling discoveries: perhaps a half digested confidential letter in the belly of a monster; perhaps a stranded Princess requesting reinforcements; perhaps an astonishing buried secret. Should a kind-hearted player accept such a quest and complete these "unexpected" missions, perhaps they might obtain "unexpected" rewards. Trading Mission * In Perfect World Free Edition, players can use the in-game gold for trading! This includes the purchase of equipment, learning higher level skills and even obtaining information. Normal Mission * Besides that, Perfect World Free Edition has different kinds of the normal missions in order to satisfy those players who love completing missions. In the future, Perfect World Free Edition will continue to introduce different kinds of the missions to the game.