- Refer a Friend Pozvy přítele
Refer a Friend
Intro to the Induction System
Looking for a way to get Bonus ZEN currency for BOI? Looking for a way to convince your friends to join the game? Well, we've got the perfect solution for you: The Refer a Friend Induction system! This system gives your newbie friend some better starting armor, fashion, and pets while at the same time, providing you with Bonus ZEN currency!Hledate zpusob jak ziskat Bonus Zeny,hledate zpusob jak přesvěčit přitele aby hral? Mame pro vas perfektní řešení : Refer a frend system !Tento system da vašim kamaradum Zbroj,Oblečení a Peta do začatku a zaroven vas zasobí Bonus body
Here's how it works:Zde je jak to funguje:
1. In-game, select Func > Induct
1. Ve hře dejte Tlačitko Func a pak Induct
2. In the "Induction ID" section, you'll find a long string of letters and numbers. Copy this text by selecting the yellow paper icon next to the numbers.
2. V Inductor ID sekci najdete dlouhe číslo , Kopírujte číslo zmačnutím žluteho papirku vedle
3. Give your friend this ID#
3. Dejte tohle číslo svemu přítely
4. Have your friend download the game here (http://boi-staging.perfectworld.com/download/client), register for an account here (https://register.perfectworld.com/register) and log into the same server as you.4.Necht vaš přitel stahne hru zde (http://boi-staging.perfectworld.com/download/client) registruje se zde (https://register.perfectworld.com/register)a Logne se na stejny Server jak vy
5. When your friend creates a character, he/she will have the opportunity to enter an Induction ID. This is where they put your ID.
5. Jak vaš kamarad vytvoří postavu dostane možnost vložit vaše číslo ID
6. Once they have entered in the ID, finished creating a character, and logged into the game, they will receive a message that they are your Inductee. As soon as they progress to Expedition Camp, they will be gifted with a new set of newbie gear, as well as a box that contains new fashion, pets, and a random Marketplace item (untradeable).
6 Jakmile dokončí vkladaní ID a postavu at vstoupí do hry,hned obdrží zpravu že se stal Inductee, jak dojdou do Expedition kempu obdrží Set Zbroj , Box s Fashion Petem a Nahodnym Item Mall Darkem
(((((((( Set VIP ma lepší state než normal 30lv set))))))))))What do you get out of this?
Well here's where the Bonus ZEN currency comes in. When you friend reaches a certain level, you will automatically get Bonus ZEN Currency to spend in the Bonus Market! Your friend gets to experience Battle of the Immortals with unique gear, and you get a little spending cash. A Win-Win for all!
A zde přichazí Bonus do hry jak vaš přítel dosahne určitych levelu ziskate Bonus body a vaš kamoš Zbroj
Zeny a ID a Bonus body
Vytvořeno: | 26. 4. 2010, 11:15 |
Autor: | Happy One |
Možnosti | Doporučit přátelům na Facebooku |
Anotace: | Specialní čislo co vam zaručí Bonus body |