Spoluhráči.cz klub Writing essay club kalendář akcí všechny proběhlé akce

Writing essay club – všechny proběhlé akce klubu

Možné akce:

Writing and reading skills

22. 6. 2018 – 30. 6. 2018 Cooksville, ON, Canada
Writing and reading skills were also given priority under the traditional technique to the detriment of the aural and oral ones. Consequently, the overall communicative ability of the students was wholly inadequate. Consider this: After a number of years of learning, let's say, Spanish, were you able to follow a movie or a television program in that language? Did you feel happy speaking Spanish? Or did you panic at the idea of having to travel and engage with native speakers? This is what having poor communicative ability means, and it is characteristic of traditionally taught...

Důležitost: střední

Vytvořila Anna Everson, 20. 6. 2018, 15:04   (upraveno 20. 6. 2018, 15:08)